In an article for Commercial Property Executive, research editorial director Paul Fiorilla explored the recently launched Giliberto‐Levy High‐Yield Real Estate Debt Index.“Investors in high-yield real estate now have a way to compare their returns and performance against an industry-standard benchmark, thanks to John B. Levy & Co.'s creation of the first mezzanine loan index,” the article stated.Fiorialla explained that “Mezzanine debt investors have long craved a high-yield debt index to create a barometer of performance and guidance for price quotes for deals.”

The positive impact that John B. Levy & Company’s industry-first mezz loan index can potentially have on the commercial real estate market at large was also noted in the article.“Having an index generally improves liquidity in a market, because it supports the perception that the market is established and provides confidence that investors have a target against which to measure performance.”

Click here to read the full story on the Commercial Property Executive website.